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Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast

Jun 27, 2022

We always think it’ll never happen to us, but the reality is, it could happen to anyone and I’ve seen it for myself. I’m talking about your spa business getting hacked. 


It’s one of those things we just don’t want to imagine or simply believe that it only happens to “big, household name” companies, but...

Jun 20, 2022

It’s a business topic that often makes spa owners want to run for the hills or bury their heads in the sand, but I promise if you stick with me for this episode of Spa Marketing Made Easy, I’ll make it worth your while, and a lot less scary…


That’s right, I’m talking about metrics aka KPIs aka your...

Jun 13, 2022

To start a business and become an entrepreneur means you are a high achiever, but being a high achiever – one with big goals, dreams, and vision – doesn’t necessarily equate to being a high performer. However, as you might have guessed, being successful in achieving your goals and doing so in a way that leaves you...