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Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast

Nov 13, 2023

Getting more clients is always the hot talk when it comes to spa marketing, and while gaining new clientele is obviously important, a successful spa owner and entrepreneur knows that retaining clientele is even more valuable. Not only is it easier to market and sell to an existing client who already knows, likes and trusts you, but you have the greatest opportunity to move the needle on a metric that really underscores the entire health of your business – your Customer Lifetime Value. 


Here to break it down with me is Scott Bell, the Chief Executive Officer of High Level Marketing (HLM), a leading digital marketing company serving over 2,000 small and medium-sized businesses with the core purpose of accelerating their customer growth by helping them unlock their true business potential. From understanding how to determine your spa’s Customer Lifetime Value to utilizing it in making key strategic decisions, especially when it comes to your marketing, this is a lesson in business you can’t afford to miss. 


In this episode, we discuss: 


  • Scott’s background in marketing and entrepreneurship and how he shifted from owning a billboard marketing company into the world of digital marketing

  • Defining Lifetime Customer Value and why this is such a critical metric for spa owners to understand and leverage

  • How to begin calculating your spa’s Lifetime Customer Value and tips for increasing that value over time 

  • How we can utilize Lifetime Customer Value  in our marketing, plus insights on setting your marketing budget percentage for growth and crafting systems around tracking your numbers for long-term growth


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Download High Level Marketing’s free Lifetime Customer Value Calculator here.