Oct 31, 2022
What does it actually mean to “go viral?” Maybe you automatically think of a meme that circulates around the internet at warp speed or a dance or social media challenge that everyone and their mom (literally) is posting to their profile, filling your feed with the same song and dance.
As a brick-and-mortar spa...
Oct 24, 2022
Increasing overall efficiency in your spa (and thus, increasing your profit margin) is partially dependent on your team, but the other half of the equation? It’s in the tech.
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of utilizing software alongside your systems in your spa and there’s no shortage of software options for...
Oct 17, 2022
Starting your spa’s SEO marketing journey can feel like an adventure with countless starting points, obstacles, and off-shoots – all of which look promising. Sure, choosing your own adventure can be fun, but oftentimes it’s overwhelming with too many options.
And if you’re thinking, “what the heck is...
Oct 10, 2022
“No one will ever care about my business as much as I do.” Ever uttered or thought that before? If you have, you’re not wrong.
While it is true that as the Spa CEO, you will always be the one most invested in seeing your business grow and succeed, there are countless potential (future) team members out there...
Oct 3, 2022
While there will always be something new to learn and explore in business, there’s absolutely one truth I know about business that will never change – and it’s that as an entrepreneur, personal development is the most important element of becoming a strong leader for your company.
In this episode of Spa...