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Spa Marketing Made Easy Podcast

Oct 18, 2021

Everyone’s journey into spa ownership begins at a unique trailhead, so to speak, but soon enough you’ll find yourself on one of two main paths: the path of entrepreneurship or the path of self-employment. 


Don’t be fooled, these two paths may sound the same, but they look and feel very different and end up in starkly different destinations. Listen in as I take you down both paths and paint the picture of each journey so you can see what works for your style of spa ownership. 


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  • Why knowing your “why” is crucial for deciding which path to travel and the common reasons why you would want to choose the path of business ownership over self-employment and vice versa
  • Comparison of both paths to see what you’ll encounter and where you’ll end up
  • How you have to navigate the path of business ownership as a Spa CEO and what this path enables you to do with your time and resources 
  • The questions to ask yourself to determine what it is you truly want out of your business


To read the full show notes for this episode, visit: 


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